

Type in Tamil using transliteration Bookmarklet - Google labs

Ever visited a web-site and wanted to type in Tamil but did not find transliteration feature there? Now you can use this bookmarklet to type in Tamil on any web-site.

Transliteration bookmarklet is a small piece of code that you store in your browser. Once stored, you can type in Tamil in any text box on any web-site of your choice. It works on Google web-sites as well as other web-sites.

For example, you can use the bookmarklet to chat in Tamil in Gmail, send messages in Tamil to your friends on networking web-sites, or edit a Tamil Wikipedia article. You can use it to search for Tamil news in Google news or search for Tamil information on Google search.

Note that you do not need to use the bookmarklet to scrap in Orkut, compose email in Gmail, write blog, write a knol, use on Labs page or in a iGoogle gadget. Transliteration is built-in on these web-sites.


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