The God, is the greatest engineer.
God created Earth to accommodate life. Then he created, the engineers, to make Earth a better place to live. The engineers, are responsible for the world that we live in today. They have turned dreams into reality. No doubt, they will continue to do so for the infinite time ahead. provides a common platform to engineers around the world. Through CE’s online forums they can exchange ideas, views, share knowledge, innovate and help each other. Feel free to take a look at the discussions on CrazyEngineers forums. I bet you will enjoy the discussions.
CrazyEngineers (CE) is not about social networking. You may not find your old friends on CE, but you will surely get in touch with the craziest & the best engineers from all over the world. You will interact with engineers who are willing to help you & who expect help from you. Together, you will make earth a better place to live.

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