

Free Search Engine ranker Tool

Check to see if your website has any positions in the major search engines for your specific search term. It reports the existance of your website (in the first five results pages) across all major search engines and directories.

Instructions: Enter your URL and E-mail below, then enter one or more keywords or phrases that represent the topic of the associated web page. The Search Engine Ranker will search the leading engines and create a report detailing whether the site is found and at which position.

This may take up to 1 minute, so please be patient!

FREE Search Engine Ranker!
Your Url:
All Major Search Engines:
Add Search Engine Ranker to your site!

  • Keep your META keywords to 300 characters or less.
  • Using keywords in different languages can be helpful.
  • If you submit multiple pages that contain the same content they will not be added. You may submit more than one URL from your web site as long as the URL�s are distinct WebPages.
  • Your web sites popularity plays an important role in this search engine. Try and solicit links from other web sites to increase your page�s popularity. Thus, submitting your URL and site information to thousands of Search Engines and Directories is strategic because thousands of links back to your site will be created.
  • Include a link on every page of your web site to the home page. Web surfers are entering your site at various pages and you should make the navigation simple for them. Make it so they can navigate the whole web site and not just one page that they surfed in on. The more time that they spend at your web site they will become familiar with the products or service�s which you are offering and maybe become a customer of yours.
  • Most search engines skip common words for the Internet. These are also called "stop words" that are very common words such as a, and, the, that, of, it, too, web, home page, index, etc. Search engines skip "stop words" to speed up your search and save disk space. When designing your web site try and leave out stop words. If you don�t when the spider indexes your site the stop words could affect how your site is indexed and maybe lower your position in the search engines. Also if you have the first word in your title being "the" or one of the other stop words this will once again affect how your site is indexed in the search engine.
  • Please don't use Comments Tags! Most search engines no longer support them. In the past, many people abused this tag to commit "keyword stuffing". Keyword stuffing is a form of Spam. If you "spam" the search engine, you will probably be penalized. The search engine may refuse to index your site, or it may index it with a very poor position for your anticipated keyword phrases. Again, study the rules available at the particular search engine's site to avoid doing anything that could be considered "spamdexing"; after all, you would like to earn your high rank as opposed to getting it by unethically "stacking the deck" in your favor. You don't like it when people spam you (i.e., sending unsolicited bulk commercial e-mail), so why would you want to "spam the search engines"?
  • Avoid using complicated Javascripts for your navigation. Simple HTML links are best because search engine spiders cannot follow javascript-based links. The rest of the pages on your site will not be indexed if the spider is not able to navigate to the individual pages.
  • Don't submit your URL address multiple times during the day. Also don't submit hundreds of URLs from the same website. A much better technique is to create a site map with all your links on one page. Link to the site map from your home page so that the search engine spider can find all your pages easily.
Getting Multiple Listing on the Same Search Engine
There is an easy way to get multiple listings with the same search engines. The trick to this is to change the title of your page every month or so. This tricks the search engine robots into thinking that it is a whole new page. I have also seen sites that leave out the www when submitting their site.


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